Avery Dennison Microtach Tool & Fasteners
Avery Dennison’s smallest, most versatile fastener, Micro Fasteners
save time, labor and money, and offer a better alternative to thread,
glue, metal staples and pins.
The small diameter needle delivers a unique T-End™ fastener that
secures items tightly and quickly, yet is easy to remove. Ideal for
packaging shirts and dress socks, tagging lingerie, swimwear and
other highly elastic or tight weaves; and for packaging soft goods.
Virtually invisible and customer safe a quick tug is all it takes to remove a Micro Fastener. Good news when you consider that consumer surveys show that 99% of
customers prefer plastic micro fasteners to pins when unwrapping
a shirt. For one thing, customers don’t have to worry about getting
stuck by pins when removing micro fasteners. With a simple tug, the
fastener pops free and the consumer is ready to enjoy the product.
No hidden pins in the fabric. No sharp pins on the floor. Shirts look
better on display, too. Furthermore, no holes in the fabric means
merchandise can go back on the shelf, instead of the clearance rack.
Micro Fasteners are supplied 120 per clip for long periods of
uninterrupted fastener application and are available in 4 different sizes.